Monday, June 7, 2010

stuff found lurking in the camera....

i had a very clear view of klcc and the kl tower... now if my hands will stop shaking...

my new mobile phone... and my cute lomo...

view of the clouds on lovely morning...


and a black and white attempt...

and booboo...

its mimi from the top...

thats mimi...

where is this again?


like bean stalks reaching for the sky...


evening view...

CNY 2010 (we had lion dance at the apartments)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


the monorail on the wait to work...

the post box downstairs...

right side of the lift...

left side of the lift...

pet-kun's nose....

kuchai lama somewhere...

kuchai lama somewhere too...

it was raining and i was bored in the car...

windows & blinds....

my pathetic plants....

cloudy skies...


early morning...

late evening...

merv's angled tea set...

swirly clouds...

thunderstorm clouds...

my feet...

windchimes galore...

my little cactus...

its senpai and lapin....

playing with vignette lens...